Friday, 9 March 2018

Training for the local government

I've been trying for a while to get more involved with the local government and pass on some of my training materials to them.
So I went for a meeting last week on Thursday to explain a bit of what I do a show some of my resources.  "Great" they said.  "Can you rewrite your lesson plans into our format, and in 2 new topics, train our staff on Monday and then help us to train 80 district water people on Tuesday?"
<Mild panic because I was due to be away all Friday and Saturday>
But very excited at this opportunity, I said yes.

After some scrambled work on Monday morning, the staff training was great, and the director really approved of my interactive methods.

Here's how Tuesday went.
The hall was pretty full

We separated into 6 groups, 4 of which were receiving my training.

The water cycle, and catchment management

Disease transmission routes


Safe storage of water

Then each group fed back to the whole room - this was a great way to get the local water reps to practise giving the training themselves!

The highlight was seeing the local water rep explaining the water cycle in Quechua, using a story from a book I had as a child, and finishing with "and God made all our natural resources!"  It was a wonderful moment.