Monday, 10 March 2014

In the meantime

In the last few months I've been working part-time so that I can give a good amount of time to preparations, raising support, and visiting family and friends. 

It's been great to resurrect some of my schools-worker skills, and plan and teach various lessons at primary schools on water, disease transmission, South America, and Christian mission.  I first became interested in overseas work when I was that age, so I love to give other children the same opportunities to be excited by it.
 Practising making water-wells with my god-daughter and her brothers.  Jesus said: "...but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life" - John 4:14

         Ecuador-themed display by children at Croscombe school             Disease-transmission and how engineering can help! (cawst drawings)

I've enjoyed the mixture of raising support and visiting friends Of course it's often the same thing! - which is lovely.  I'm about halfway to my financial and prayer targets now, and nowhere near that far through all the people I'd love to see.

Next (apart from some more talks and schools) is a final interview with SIM and my sending church in Shrewsbury - this has been set at the end of May.  Then I plan to give notice, book flights and pack up my life!  I am keen to go and get started, but the great news is the extra time means I will be around for long enough to go to my sister's wedding in the summer.

God has been good - well of course that's not surprising!

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