From Abancay it's a 6 hour bus ride to Mariscal Gamarra. We got off at a bridge over the river and walked up the side of the mountain to a few villages.
It's not ideal visiting season, partly because the heavy rain at night often means the roads are blocked in the morning, but also because it's the maize-growing season, and many people take off up into the mountains with their animals so that they don't eat the growing corn. But many people were around, and it was great to visit them.
Anastasia has been a Christian for about a year. We visited her and her husband to talk, to pray, to encourage, and to teach. This was almost entirely done by Cicilio, because it was all in Quechua! Every time I visit with him I am motivated to carry on improving my Quechua... but I found I could pick up the gist of what they were saying. Anastasia´s husband, Sebastien, had a bad fall recently up on the mountains looking after his animals, and has damaged his leg and can't really walk. This has led him to evaluate his life a bit more, and while we were there Cicilio led him through a prayer giving his life to Christ. Then it was lovely to be invited to pray for Anastasia - in Spanish, so she may not have understood the words, but God did. And as we were kneeling together on the dusty ground I am sure she understood the love that prompted my prayer.
Walking up the hill afterwards I was "meditating on God's wonderful works" (from Psalm 146) - the amazingly beautiful and huge creation that we were standing in - and his continuing miracles in transforming lives and hearts. Both glorious to be able to see.
Then we visited the pastor's family. Again, most of the talk was in Quechua but I could mostly follow it. We prayed for the pastor's wife, who has been having trouble sleeping, and encouraged the pastor that although he is untrained and very daunted by his role, God has chosen him and is entirely capable! We stayed for a service in the evening - amazingly about half of the community are now Christians and it was certainly a crowd inside the pastor (right) 's house.
Betty, on my last visit. This time we were too busy chatting to take photos! |
Juana's son is now in Abancay preparing to go to university to study... Civil Engineering! He has to sit an entrance exam for the state university, so there's a lot of work to do. I talked to her about the Christian student group here (CBU) so she passed on his details to me. Since then I have discovered one of my CBU friends also runs preparatory classes in the evenings - so have also managed to link him up with that!
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