Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Visit from Adeline!

So Adeline came to visit me and we had a whirlwind few days. It was really great to have a visitor who knows South America, has experience of community water projects, speaks English, and has been able to see various different aspects of my life here.

She brought a huge amount of goodies from the UK - chocolate treats, newspapers, gifts from people at church.

We went to church together on Easter Day then, because she's a bridge engineer, we went to look at the old colonial bridge.

She came into the office and we went around the different ministries - it was great for me to hear and be re-inspired by them all too.  It was really encouraging to talk through my plans for the year and hear her ideas.  And, because there was someone else holding the camera, here's a picture of me and the AIDIA team at morning devotions:

There was even an opportunity to visit Ancobamba - one of the villages where I am trying to build up relationships at the moment.  We delivered 100 of the "cajas de amor" - little food parcels that are being given out to needy families.

We also met that rare breed: a dog who was friendly.
And stopped on the way home to buy some potatoes
Then I was off to a training course and Adeline started her journey home - so we enjoyed an afternoon together in Cusco.

It was a huge encouragement to be able to talk through many things and pray together with someone who understand so much of what it is like to live here and do this work.  I'm very grateful to God for enabling her to visit this week.

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