Sunday, 25 September 2016

Learning to be an opthalmologist

A team from "Go, Inc." in the USA came to visit AIDIA for a week - their main aim was to run a couple of rural vision clinics and see whether this could be something they come back and do on a larger scale.

I accompanied them to Mariscal Gamarra - officially to translate (which was encouragingly successful, both in Spanish and Quechua), but I also ended up learning a lot about vision testing, doing some preaching (about our desire for spiritual sight), and chatting and praying with members of the village (who are almost all Christians).

This man wanted glasses specifically so that he could read the Bible - it was wonderful to be able to help him do so!

Working out the Quechua for "which way is this arrow pointing?"

Trying out the prescription.  We also gave everyone sunglasses as a lot of them have sore eyes from the glare and the dust.
Waiting to have their eyes tested.

Hanging out with the kids... there are a couple of families here that I get on really well with but I don't often get to visit.

The dental team made the most of the crowd and gave their talk about teeth cleaning.  I had my usual role - holding the banner!

At the pastor's house - crushing white beans to make tarwi for our dinner.
We were late leaving because this lady asked me to pray with her... no-one minded!

Our sleeping arrangements - sheepskins make a very comfy mattress.

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