I have been intending to visit Santa Rosa regularly to spend time with a family there, learn more about the culture and practice speaking Quechua. It hasn't happened very often! But I did manage to go this week. Here's Santa Rosa home:
I arrived just in time to have dinner and go to church, where I suspected I might be invited to preach. Happily I was prepared, because that's what happened! I gave the same message as in Vilcabamba, but without translation it was a lot shorter...
In the morning I helped out with various chores... I often feel lazy but I realise it's just because I don't know enough to automatically pitch in. So I have told Fortunata and her husband they have to treat me like a lazy daughter and make me work. This time they taught me how to de-grain corn. Corn is a staple here, with many different varieties cooked in many different ways. Today I was preparing corn for the chickens to eat...
I had some cute "helpers" - my favourite dog (i.e. the ne that actually seems to like me and not try to bite me) has had puppies.
And I am slowly making friendly overtures to the parrot "Polly" who tells guests to "lava tu plato" ("wash up your plate")!
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