Friday, 5 August 2016

Training #1 in Ancobamba

It was an exciting day... I am starting out on a new phase and it's great to have this group who have agreed to receive training.  It's also the first time Viviana and I have visited Ancobamba without Dina.

We were more tired than usual after the early morning and long bus journey so we especially glad to have beds to rest in - we arrived about 8.30 and sletp right through til 1pm!  It was probably a good thing as it meant I was awake and alert for the evening.

August is kite-flying month in the Andes, and this week it's also the school holidays.  Viviana did the usual kids' club in the afternoon but there were only a handful of kids so we finished early and enjoyed watching them fly the kites.

My first training session in the evening went well - there were 6 people who are either involved in the water board or with health in the community.  We did various introductory activities to get them thinking about water quality and its effects on community health - and the group came up with various topics on which they'd like to receive training.  One disadvantage to having evening meetings (although it's the only available time) is that people are very tired and often doze off - but because they all had to participate everyone stayed awake.  I was so encouraged!

Unfortunately Viviana was preparing for the evening service so there are no photos of my training - I promise some next time...

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